
Medication Request Form

Asthma Action Plan

Food Allergy Form

Healthy Food

Special Diet Form

L. Ozuna - RN

A. Sanchez - LVN 

How to Keep Our Students in School
On the Road to Success

We feel very strongly at Dr. A. Cuellar Middle School that good attendance results in children reaching their maximum academic potential.

The following steps will be taken when a student goes to see the school nurse:

  1. Parents will have informed the school nurse of student health issues by documenting these issues on the student’s registration form.
  2. Student will be assessed by nurse.
  3. Student will contact parent/guardian to speak with the student, the nurse, or both and a decision will be made as to what is the best student.

Students will be sent home for the following reasons:

4.Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more


6.Communicable diseases, fractures, dental problems, pain, etc.

7.An ambulance will be called for emergencies and the student will be accompanied to the ER with a Dr. A Cuellar Middle School staff member.

If your child has other symptoms such as headaches, cramps, sore throat, cough and/or thick mucous that don’t require them to be out of school but that will make them uncomfortable during school, please discuss the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications with your doctor, and remember you must follow the district requirements for giving medicine at school. Call the school nurse if you are not sure about those requirements. No medications from Mexico can be administered by the school nurse.

Kids who are truly ill will heal better and faster when they have proper rest at home, with lots of fluid for hydration and healthy nutrition. Your school nurse is available for assistance at 969-6720 during school hours. You may contact the Health Services Coordinator, if you have questions, at 969-6500.

We are here to assist you in making sound decisions that will result in your child and their peers reaching their academic goals. We have common goals with you- the health, safety, and school success of your child!

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